
By default, Mix will pipe all of your CSS through the popular Autoprefixer PostCSS plugin. As such, you are free to use the latest CSS 3 syntax with the understanding that we'll apply any necessary browser-prefixes automatically.

Basic Usage

Assuming your CSS entry file is:

/* src/app.css */

@keyframes foo {
   to {
       background: red;

#selector {
    animation: foo 2s;

If you add CSS compilation to your webpack.mix.js file...

// webpack.mix.js

mix.css('src/app.css', 'dist');

The generated output file will automatically add any necessary CSS browser-prefixes, based on the latest global browser usage statistics.

/* dist/app.css */

@-webkit-keyframes foo {
   to {
       background: red;

@keyframes foo {
   to {
       background: red;

#selector {
    -webkit-animation: foo 2s;
            animation: foo 2s;

Set Custom Autoprefixer Options

The default settings should be fine in most scenarios, however, if you need to tweak the underlying Autoprefixer configuration, reach for mix.options().

mix.postCss('src/app.css', 'dist')
       autoprefixer: { remove: false }

Disable Autoprefixer

If you instead wish to disable autoprefixing entirely, set autoprefixer to false.

mix.postCss('src/app.css', 'dist')
   .options({ autoprefixer: false });

All underlying Autoprefixer options may be reviewed here.