The Mix API
Below, you'll find the full Mix API. Out of the box, Mix supports a wide array of frameworks and preprocessors.
The methods below assume that you've imported mix
at the top of your webpack.mix.js
file, like so:
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
.js(src, output)
Bundle your JavaScript assets.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js');
.ts(src, dist)
Bundle your TypeScript assets.
mix.ts('src/file.ts', 'dist/file.js');
Add support for Vue single file components.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').vue();
Vue 2 and 3 differ slightly in how they should be bundled. Mix will do its best to check which version you currently have installed; however, if you wish, you can be explict.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').vue({ version: 2 });
Add support for React compilation.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').react();
Add support for Preact compilation.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').preact();
.coffee(src, output)
Preprocess CoffeeScript files.'src/', 'dist/file.js');
.postCss(src, output, plugins[]?)
Compile PostCss files.
mix.postCss('src/file.css', 'dist/file.css', [
require('precss')() // your PostCss plugins
.sass(src, output, sassPluginOptions?)
Compile Sass files.
mix.sass('src/file.scss', 'dist/file.css');
.less(src, output)
Compile Less files.
mix.less('src/file.less', 'dist/file.css');
.stylus(src, output)
Compile Stylus files.
mix.stylus('src/file.styl', 'dist/file.css');
.extract(vendors?, output?)
Use webpack code-splitting to extract any or all vendor dependencies into their own files.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').extract(['vue']);
When no dependency is provided, Mix will bundle all imported dependencies from the node_modules/
directory to a vendor.js
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').extract();
You can customize the output of the extraction using the output param. It would be relative to the public path.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').vue().extract(['vue'], 'js/v.js');
mix.setPublicPath('public').js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').extract('js/v.js');
Version all compiled assets by appending a unique hash to every file within mix-manifest.json
. This is useful for cache-busting purposes.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').version();
If using Laravel, refer to its global mix()
helper function for dynamically accessing this hashed file path.
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>
.sourceMaps(generateForProduction?, devType?, productionType?)
Generate JavaScript source maps.
mix.js('src/file.js', 'dist/file.js').sourceMaps();
Monitor files for changes and update the browser without requiring a manual page refresh.
Set the path to where all public assets should be compiled to. For non-Laravel projects, always include a call to this method.
Merge a webpack configuration object with the one Mix has generated. This can be useful when you want to drop down a level and manipulate the webpack configuration directly.
plugins: [new SomeWebpackPlugin()]
Register a handler for after the webpack configuration has been fully constructed. This is your last chance to override Mix's configuration before the compiling begins.
mix.override(webpackConfig => {
test: /\.extension$/,
use: []
Log the generated webpack configuration to the console. This is temporary command that may be useful for debugging purposes.
Make a module available as a variable in every other module required by webpack. If you're working with a particular plugin or library that depends upon a global variable, such as jQuery, this command may prove useful.
jquery: ['$', 'window.jQuery']
Run the given callback function before the webpack compilation begins.
mix.before(() => {
fs.copySync('path/from', 'path/to');
If your script is asynchronous, you must return a promise to ensure that Mix waits for it to complete before beginning the compilation.
mix.before(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
Run the given callback function after the webpack compilation has completed.
mix.after(webpackStats => {
console.log('Compilation complete');
Merge and override Mix's default configuration settings. Refer to this package's src/config.js
file for a full list of settings that can be overridden.
Below is a brief list of the most common overrides.
processCssUrls: false,
postCss: [],
terser: {},
autoprefixer: {},
legacyNodePolyfills: false