Html Builder

A quick laravel mix extension to build up html templates from partials.
latest v0.9.1 - released
225 downloads last week
MIT license
15 versions


A quick laravel mix extension to build up html templates from partials and layouts.


npm i -D mix-html-builder


In your webpack.mix.js just use mix.html(). If you want to use the default configuration, you don't need to pass any arguments. Otherwise pass an object, like this:

# Require the extension in your config file

    htmlRoot: './src/index.html', // Your html root file(s)
    output: 'dist', // The html output folder
    partialRoot: './src/partials',    // default partial path
    layoutRoot: './src/layouts',    // default partial path
    minify: {
        removeComments: true

Available options

Name Type Default Description
htmlRoot {String} './src/index.html' Your html root file. You can also use glob patterns to use multiple files.
layoutRoot {String} './src/layouts' Default path for html layout files
partialRoot {String} './src/partials' Default path for html partial files
output {String} 'dist' The folder where your output files should be saved
inject {Boolean} false Whether or not your css and javascript files should automatically included in your output
minify {Object} see minify section An object with minify-options. See minify for more information.
versioning {Boolean} false Enables cache busting
postHtmlConfig {Object} {} You can configure posthtml-include and posthtml-extend. More information

Include partials

With this package you can include other template files in your root html file.

mix-html-builder uses posthtml-include to include partials. More information about it is available in its docs.

Since posthtml-include v1.4 the passing of locals is supported, so we can pass data to our partials. To do that, you can add a json inside the locals attribute as seen in the examples below.



<include src="text.html" locals='{
    "author": "John Doe"

If you want you can also just pass the locals as a json string inside the include tag:

<include src="text.html">
    "author": "John Doe"

Note that it will search for partials in /src/partials by default - you can change that by passing a partialRoot-option to mix.html() or you can just use a relative path in the include tag, like this:

<include src="../other-partials-folder/text.html"></include>



    I am a wonderful and useless text, written by {{ author }}!


When you run mix it will automatically generate /dist/index.html like this:

    I am a wonderful and useless text, written by John Doe!

Extend layouts

You can also use layout files. This package uses posthtml-extend for this, so head over to its docs if you want to get more information about options here.


Inside of your root file you can define data that should be passed to the layout. Use the <block> tag for this.


<extends src="layout.html">
    <block name="title">Page title</block>

Note that it will search for layouts in /src/layouts by default - you can change that by passing a layoutRoot-option to mix.html() or you can just use a relative path in the include tag, like this:

<extends src="../other-layouts-folder/layout.html">
    <block name="title">Page title</block>



    <h1><block name="title"></block></h1>
    <p class="content">
        I am quality content.


When you run mix it will automatically generate /dist/index.html like this:

    <h1>Page title</h1>
    <p class="content">
        I am quality content.


You have the possibility to minify your html code according to the kangax/html-minifier package. Just add any option you need, it will be passed to the minifier. If you want to remove minification, just set its value to false;

Default value

The default value of this field is the following object:

    removeComments: true,
    removeRedundantAttributes: true,
    removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
    removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
    useShortDoctype: true


You can configure posthtml-include and posthtml-extend with the postHtmlConfig option.


postHtmlConfig: {
    include: {
        // Your posthtml-include configuration goes here..
        encoding: 'utf-8'
    extend: {
        // Your posthtml-extend configuration goes here..
        encoding: 'utf-8'

For more information about the available options check posthtml-include and posthtml-extend.